The “double chin” is a troublesome area for many people regardless of their age, as the fullness in this area can be genetic (and not responsive to changes in an individual’s weight). It can be improved with submental liposuction, or “chin liposuction” with a small 3mm incision under the chin crease and cannulas to remove the excess fat. The improvement in the neck contour with this procedure can be significant, achieving improved definition in the transition from the face to the neck.
What patients see in the mirror or in pictures may be a “double chin”, or poor definition between the face and neck with an absent jawline.
In our first patient, you see a central fullness under her chin before the procedure. After submental (chin) liposuction in the office, you can see she had a much improved profile with a reduction in her double chin without giving her a “hollow” or “unbalanced” look, which aggressive liposuction in this area can do.
In our next patient, you can see the transition from a more vertically oriented neck line and poor definition between the face and neck, to a more sculpted neck line and a soft shadow now being cast on the neck by the jawline, giving a definition that she lacked prior to the liposuction.
In this patient, you can see a prominent submental fat pad, or “double chin”. This was visible on front view as well from angles, and she opted to contour her jawline and neck line with chin liposuction in the office, as well as some subtle chin filler to increase the horizontal neck line. As you can see, there was a significant reduction in the fat pad, while preserving a natural appearing neck line.